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My services
There is many different options available to you. Which one do you resonate with most?

How do Sessions Work in general?
What happens during the sessions?
I have seen magic unfold in front of my eyes many times.
Some people reported back pain for years and after one session it disappeared. Some relationships completely changed after one session. Sometimes loved ones come through and say words to their relatives that they never had the chance to say. I have also seen people grounding themselves for the first time ever and people being able to get children again after being told they could not.
So I believe in magic. Do you?
How long are the sessions?
It depends on the specific session but session times range from 60 to 120 minutes.
Sessions take place online or live here in Costa Rica, whatever you prefer.
How does this work online?
Energy can travel through space and time. Do you know these moments when you think of your mother and she calls you? I use the same principle in my sessions. I create an energetic cord through which energy can flow during the session. You will receive exactly the same benefits as doing a session live. Many people even prefer the online sessions because they can be in their own safe space.
What do I need to do?
All you need to do is allow me in your energetic space. I ask you to open the energetic doors and trust me so that I can work with you. It is your task to focus on your own process and to see which emotions come up for you. To see what wants to be seen inside of you. Because in the end you are your own healer. You are the person that needs to see the core of the blockage. I can only guide you to those places and hold your hand while you are facing whatever needs to be faced. I want to empower you to take the steps that are needed to create real and lasting change.
How should I prepare?
You can prepare one or two questions that you would like to have answered and think about your intention for the session.
During the sessions make sure you are sitting down at a place which is comfortable and where you cannot be disturbed. It is important to put both of your feet on the ground during the session, so ideally sitting straight on a chair. Also, it might be nice to have a notebook close just in case you want to write down insights straight after the session.
I always advice people to move before the session. This can be any kind of movement. Something that you enjoy and like. Moving simply helps to allow the energy to flow freely and easily during the session.
What will I experience during a session?
Energy is magic. Thus, it is hard to say what will happen exactly. But the following things could happen:
- You might receive insights or even see images that can teach you something
- Memories of past lives or visions of the future can show itself
- You can experience peace, a feeling of lightness or a feeling of joy
- You feel little sensations in your body, such as tingling, light flashes, warmth or cold
- You can experience different emotions flowing through your body such as extreme joy or happiness
- It is also possible to experience darkness and heavier emotions: this means a lower frequency is coming to light and is now being freed from your body.
How do I book?
I am embracing Pura Vida, also referred to as simple life. The process is thus simple and straight forward. You reach out to me telling me that you want to do a session and we find a time that works well for both of us. We will plan a call via Whatsapp video, Zoom or Skype.
And afterwards?
Take some time for yourself! A lot of work has been done, way more than you can ever imagine. On top of that, make sure you drink plenty of water. Also, it might be nice to move around or dance. Most of all, relax! You do not need to actively think about anything from the session, your soul will do it for you. Just follow whatever your soul tells you to do.
The effects of the session can last until 2-3 days after. That means during those days emotions might come out and you might feel a bit different than normal. Maybe you feel more energized or maybe you feel more tired. It is good to be aware of things shifting during these days and not trying to change too much but rather surrendering to the process. You can compare it to a full-moon or a new moon. The energy can just be a bit more intense for you those days as things are finding a new balance.
After 3 days usually the new energetic balance will have taken place, but the process is not done. Even though the energetic blockage is removed, there is usually still work to be done mentally. Imagine you had lower back pain. We removed the energetic core of the pain but your mind still believes that the pain is there because it was with you for over 10 years. You need to start building a new belief. One that fits with the new reality rather than holds you back. It might help to make an affirmation such as ‘My lower back is strong and flexible’ to start building the new program and to help your mind to believe that the back pain is actually gone. I will usually give you some tips and tricks during the session, but feel free to ask me questions about this during the session as integration is key.